The North West Housing Partnership operates a  “Handyman Program” for those who are 60+ in need of minor repairs to their home. This program was initiated by the Northwest Suburban Housing Collaborative in 2014 and is made up of the communities listed below. Starting in late 2017, the program added all towns in Palatine and Wheeling Townships, and Oak Park Township.

Funds (in whole/part) were provided through an award from AgeOptions through grants from the IL Department of Agin and/or Administration for Community Living, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services under Title III of the Older Americans Act.

The senior Handyman Program is available to all seniors 60+ and seniors with the greatest economic and social needs, low-moderate income residents, and persons with limited English proficiency.

This program is only for residents of:

Arlington Heights, Buffalo Grove, Mount Prospect, Palatine, and Rolling Meadows, Des Plaines, as well as all other towns in Palatine and Wheeling Townships, and Oak Park Township which includes Oak Park and River Forest. 

For additional information about the Senior Handyman Program call (847) 969 0561.

U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development- Approved Housing Counseling Agency

NWHP adheres to non-discriminatory practices and is an equal employment employer and serve clients with the greatest economic and social need, low-moderate income minority & persons with limited English proficiency.