No matter what town you live, renters can gain from better knowledge of their financial obligations, our HUD certified housing counselors can provide one-on-one rental counseling to provide renters with essential information about tenant rights and fair housing issues, budgeting recommendations to help manage finances effectively to increase the likelihood of on-time rent payment and housing stability. Topics will cover understanding lease terms; credit management, tips to effectively communicate with your landlord and more.
If you are a renter in Hoffman Estates and were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, NWHP may be able to provide rental and utility assistance. Funding is provided by the Village of Hoffman Estates.
U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development- Approved Housing Counseling Agency
NWHP adheres to non-discriminatory practices and is an equal employment employer and serve clients with the greatest economic and social need, low-moderate income minority & persons with limited English proficiency.